Regardless of whether you’ve been a homeowner for many years, or you just bought your first home, you already know that unexpected expenses come with the territory. Over time, your appliances and service lines will experience wear and tear, which could result in a breakdown or other unfortunate and untimely issue. When things go wrong, you might not know who to turn to for help.
When you’re enrolled in a protection plan from Oncourse Home Solutions, we take the guesswork out of finding a reputable repair provider to help you when a problem pops up in your family’s home. When you’re signed up and a covered issue occurs, simply pick up the phone and give us a call. We will assign a local repair expert from our extensive service provider network to assist you. You can also request your appointment using our chat feature. That’s convenience, and that’s what we’re all about!
Still not sure if you should enroll? Here’s what a longtime customer has to say...
James D. of Wilmette in northern Illinois is enrolled in several of our affordable home warranty plans, including Plumbing Protection, and Outside Water and Sewer Line Protection.
“[Oncourse] Home Solutions has been excellent,” James said in reference to the value of our warranty plans for his family’s home. “Routine maintenance or emergency service... they could not be better, and they have saved us thousands of dollars.”
Want to learn more?
Visit us online and enter your ZIP code to see what protection plans are available in your area. If you have questions or concerns about coverage, you can click the Click to Chat tab on the right side of the website or give us a call anytime to speak with a customer service representative! We are here to give you the peace of mind you deserve when it comes to protecting your family’s largest investment — your home!