Memorial Day Traditions
What Memorial Day traditions do you and your families follow each year? Below are some of the most common traditions that we have heard about.
- Parades. Many towns will have a special parade on Memorial Day, or during the weekend prior to the Monday holiday. These are a huge hit with kids, and there are often a lot of patriotic floats to remember those who died fighting for our freedom.
- Flags. It is common practice to place the American flag on your porch or in your yard during this holiday weekend. Additionally, some families also choose to fly a POW/MIA flag to honor military men and women who were prisoners of war or who went missing in action.
- Cemeteries. Local cemeteries in your town may have small flags that they place on the graves of veterans. If this is a practice not observed where you live, it may be something you want to consider starting with your family.
- National Moment of Remembrance. At 3:00PM (in your time zone) on Memorial Day, there is to be a National Moment of Remembrance, when we pause to think about soldiers who have fallen for our country.
- Memorial Services. Many towns across the United States hold memorial services for hometown veterans. It’s a great way to honor men and women who fought and died to protect our freedom.