7 Easy Ways to Stay Cool This Summer

While summer has its perks – school is out, it stays light outside longer, swimming can be your main form of exercise, and meals seem to taste better on the grill – this season also has its cons. Summers can be hot, humid, and uncomfortable.

Keeping your AC running constantly can be draining on your wallet, as well. To help you keep your cool this summer, check out these simple seven tips.

1. Schedule air conditioner maintenance with a professional.

A clean, functioning air conditioner will run much more efficiently than one that is full of dirt and dust. Also, routine maintenance may help to prevent an expensive breakdown during the hottest weather this summer.

2. Is it time to replace your filter? (Yes, your furnace filter.)

Regardless of whether it’s heating or cooling season, air still passes through your furnace filter and into your ductwork. Make it a routine to replace your filter once a month during the summer. If the filter is dirty and full of dust, it obstructs proper air flow throughout your home. If there are areas of your home that don’t feel as cool as they should, check the condition of your filter before calling in a professional.

3. Landscaping can do more than just boost your home’s curb appeal.

According to the Department of Energy, trees which are strategically planted may help to shade your home and keep it significantly cooler during the summer months.

For example, deciduous trees with expansive crowns planted to the south of your home can do wonders for blocking the sun’s rays from the roof of your home.

Also, when planted on the western area of your property, trees with branches lower to the ground can help with blocking the sun’s heat during the late afternoon and evening.

4. Keep the curtains closed.

Blocking the sun’s hot rays during the day will help to keep the inside of your home cool and comfortable. Keeping the heat out of your home will help your AC to run less, too. Also, keeping the curtains and blinds drawn may help to prevent the fading of fabric on furniture placed in front of windows.

5. Are your vents blocked?

If there is a room in your home that feels warmer than it should, check the vents to be sure furniture or curtains aren’t blocking air flow.

6. Now is not the time to cook a feast!

Prepare light meals. Plan quick, easy dishes that don’t require the use of your oven. Plus, nobody wants to eat a hot heavy meal when it’s so warm outside!

7. Skip the soft drinks and drink water instead.

Stay hydrated! Drinking water will help prevent dehydration. Your body loses a lot of moisture on hot summer days, and water will help to replenish the lost fluids.

Beat the heat with these simple-to-follow tips. If you are in need of a cooling professional this summer to help with maintaining your air conditioner, check out our Cooling Maintenance Plan.