Plumbing Checklist for New Homeowners

As a new homeowner, you will soon learn that you can avoid a lot of headaches and expensive repairs with simple preventative work. Many new homeowners are amazed to find out just how much work can go into maintaining their plumbing, and that’s why we have compiled an easy to follow checklist for you.

1. If you have exposed pipes in your home, such as in the basement, make it a habit to check them often for any signs of leaking or corrosion. Check the floor and wall surfaces for any damp spots. If anything looks out of the ordinary, call a plumber before the problem gets worse.

2. Check the internal components of your toilet. Remove the top from your toilet’s tank and perform a visual inspection of the components. If anything looks rusty, or seems to be broken, call a professional plumber to diagnose and treat the problem.

3. Look at your water heater and check for any signs of rusting or leaking. If you notice sediment or water puddling beneath the unit, this may be an indication that something is wrong with your water heater. If the device is over a decade old, it may be time to consider replacement.

4. Check for mold and mildew around plumbing fixtures. The growth of this fungus could indicate a water leak.

5. Routinely test your plumbing devices, such as all sinks, tubs, showers, and toilets. This includes bathrooms that may not get used often.

6. Test the integrity of your bathroom walls. Push on them gently, and if you notice a sinking or unstable feeling, it could indicate a water leak with the pipes housed inside your walls.

7. Be sure all drains are allowing water to easily flow through them. Slowly draining water could indicate a clog or eroded and broken water lines.

8. When checking your drains, also make note of any bubbling noises you may hear. This could indicate air pockets in your water lines.

9. Check your sinks for leaking faucets. You’d be amazed by how much water can be wasted each day by dripping faucets.

10. Check the water pressure in your bathroom, kitchen, and laundry room. Low water pressure could indicate a problem with a dirty aerator, or with broken/eroded water lines.

Don’t try to fix the problem on your own

Even though you just bought a new home and you may be trying to save money any way you can, cutting corners on plumbing repairs is not a smart idea! It’s best to leave all plumbing diagnostic and repair work to trained professionals.